Purpose: To analyze the clinical factors associated with corneal rejection before and after surgery.
Method: In a descriptive, cross-sectional, and analytical study of 130 corneal transplants, clinical factors were studied before and after surgery. Patients of both sexes and any ages were included, with a minimum follow-up of 8 months, and tectonic procedures were excluded. A descriptive and inferential analysis was conducted for the variables of gender, previous diagnoses, vascularization, trepan size, comorbidities, and past medical history. P values <.05 were considered significant.
Results: A 31% rejection rate was found. A higher risk of rejection was seen in women, previous corneal transplant or neovascularization in the recipient's cornea, and patients with glaucoma.
Conclusion: It is necessary to plan new prospective and follow-up studies to assess accurately, and in a standard way, the clinical evolution of patients who receive a corneal transplant.
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