Revista Mexicana de Oftalmología

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VOLUME 94 , ISSUE 1E ( January-February, 2020 ) > List of Articles

Original Article

Consensus of the Ibero-American Oculoplastic Society for selecting the ideal orbital implant in the anophthalmic socket

Enrique G. Padilla-García, Rocío Ardito, Alejandra Valenzuela-Arellano, Alfredo Medina, Ana M. Vera-Torres, Gerardo Graue-Moreno

Keywords : Anophthalmic socket, Evisceration, Enucleation, Implant, Prosthesis

Citation Information : Padilla-García EG, Ardito R, Valenzuela-Arellano A, Medina A, Vera-Torres AM, Graue-Moreno G. Consensus of the Ibero-American Oculoplastic Society for selecting the ideal orbital implant in the anophthalmic socket. 2020; 94 (1E):1-4.

DOI: 10.24875/RMOE.M20000095

License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

Published Online: 02-01-2020

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2020 Sociedad Mexicana de Oftalmología. Published by Permanyer


Objective: To propose a guide for selecting the ideal orbital implant in the anophthalmic socket by a group of experts in orbit and oculoplastics, members of the Ibero-American Society of Oculoplastics (SIAO). Expert Panel: Rocío Ardito, MD (Perú), Alejandra Valenzuela, MD (USA), Alfredo Medina, MD (Mexico). Moderator: Ana Vera, MD (Colombia). Room Commissioners: Enrique Padilla MD, Gerardo Graue MD. Methods: An interactive, guided discussion was held between the expert panel and attendees to the VI Ibero-American Society of Oculoplastics meeting, held at the “Hospital Nuestra Sra. De la Luz I.A.P.” in Mexico City on October 23, 2018, presenting evidence-based and personal experience for choosing the ideal orbital implant in the anophthalmic socket. The meeting was attended by around 200 specialists in Oculoplastics from North, Central and South America as well as from Spain and Portugal. The discussion was centered on the following subtopics: Type of orbital implants, surgical management, surgical management of anophthalmos and cryptophtalmos, alternatives for orbital implants. Conclusions: Acrylic implants are placed more frequently for rehabilitation of the anophthalmic socket among SIAO members since they demonstrate good, long lasting results and minor complications. Migration is their main complication, making rehabilitation complex when present. Dermis-fat grafts in children and micro free orbital fat grafts in adults are good alternatives for hypo-volumetric orbits.

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