Revista Mexicana de Oftalmología

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VOLUME 93 , ISSUE 6E ( November-December, 2019 ) > List of Articles

Original Article

Choroidal detachment. Epidemiological and ultrasound characteristics in an Ophthalmological center in Mexico City

Marco A. Ramírez-Ortiz, Robert Graciano-Díaz, Rebeca Devereux-García, Mariana Takane-Imay, Wilson Koga-Nakamura, Ma. Cristina González-González

Keywords : Choroidal detachment, Ultrasound, Suprachoroidal space

Citation Information : Ramírez-Ortiz MA, Graciano-Díaz R, Devereux-García R, Takane-Imay M, Koga-Nakamura W, González-González MC. Choroidal detachment. Epidemiological and ultrasound characteristics in an Ophthalmological center in Mexico City. 2019; 93 (6E):274-278.

DOI: 10.24875/RMOE.M19000087

License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

Published Online: 01-11-2019

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2019 Sociedad Mexicana de Oftalmología. Published by Permanyer México SA de CV.


Background: To describe the ultrasound features and disease history of patients with a diagnosis of choroidal detachment evaluated in the Ultrasound Department of the Instituto de Oftalmología “Fundación Conde de Valenciana IAP” of Mexico City from January 2015 to December 2017. Design: Observational, descriptive and retrospective. Methods: All the medical records with a diagnosis of choroidal detachment by ultrasound were analyzed. Exclusion criteria were missing and/or incomplete records. The information obtained was classified by causal disease, type, shape and extension of the choroidal detachment. Results: One hundred and forty-one patients were studied (89 [63.1%] men and 52 [36.9%] women). The average age was 52.92 years in men and 60.98 years in women. Cases related to inflammatory diseases were the most common (76 cases [53.9%]). A total of 102 cases (72.3%) showed a serous choroidal detachment. From all the serous choroidal detachments, 74 cases (52.5%) were observed as flat elevations and 87 cases (61.7%) affected more than six meridians. The average intraocular pressure was 7.63 mmHg. Conclusions: Ultrasound characteristics (shape, type and extension) of choroidal detachments depend on the cause. Flat detachments (mostly inflammatory) show a serous content and extend less than 6 diameters, while hemorrhagic detachments (mainly traumatic) tend to be dome-shaped and have a greater extension.

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