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Negrin-Caceres Y, Cabrera-Romero AC, Cárdenas-Monzón L, Ferrer-Pérez A, Batista-Hernández NE. Synergistic effect of combined IFN-alpha2b and IFN-gamma treatment for periocular basal cell carcinoma. 2018; 92 (3E):115-121.
Purpose: To assess the results of the application of perilesional HerberPAG® on periocular basal cell carcinoma.
Methods: An experimental investigation was carried out on a group of 7 patients who received the same treatment regimen with Heber- PAG® 10.5 × 106 IU 3 times a week for 3 consecutive weeks. Demographic variables were evaluated as well as duration, initial lesion size, clinical subtype, histological subtype, clinical response, objective response and adverse events.
Results: The average time of lesion duration was 7.0 ± 1.6 months, with a large diameter mean of 17.4 ± 2.3 mm. The clinical nodular-ulcerative subtype was present on 42.9% of the subjects and the solid and superficial histological subtypes were present with an equal proportion of 42.9%.
Conclusions: The use of HerberPAG® was an effective and safe alternative to conservative treatment in subjects with periocular basal cell carcinoma when other therapies are not available.
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